Allen Edmond starts its journey in 1922,from a small town of Belgium, since then it is providing a complete range of men’s shoes, be it dress shoes, designer shoes or casual shoes, the most unique feature of their casual shoes is its rubber soled leather shoes, providing great comfort and easy to your foot. Allen Edmond is knows for its fine quality, be it their design, cuts, sewing, finishing or the material used. It has become global name now, and millions of people are supporting this brand world wide.
Allen Edmond has a chain of retail store all around Europe; most of the manufacturing work is a carried in its factory at US and Italy, they are still following the tradition of making men’s dress shoes domestically. Here at Allen Edmond, shoe making is still a craft, each and every piece of shoe is crafted by hand and one complete pair of shoe goes through 212 separate production step, then one fine quality pair of shoe comes in the market to steal your heart and make your foot comfortable.
To provide more comfort to your foot Allen Edmond shoes are made shackles, your foot will not get pinched, even if you are wearing your Allen Edmond shoes for the first time.
Investing your money in Allen Edmond is like life time investment, you would love to repair it and wear it rather than replace it. Allen Edmonds offer repairing service to its customer. They mend your shoe, replace its soles and heels, and give a complete new touch to your old shoes, wear them as long as you wish.
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